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    God's Generals for Kids: Evan Roberts
    God's Generals for Kids: Evan Roberts
    This newly released and enhanced fifth volume in the very popular God's Generals for Kids series by Roberts Liardon and Olly Goldenberg now includes an updated study section with cross curricular themes, suitable for home schooling groups . It tells the story of Evan Roberts, a great leader in the Welsh Revival of 1904–1905. He was a very caring child, and many thought he was unusual. Few guessed that he could ever grow up to be used by God as a key preacher in the Great Welsh Revival. Not only was he unusual; he was extraordinary. This exciting book for children shows how God changed the nation of Wales in those days. Preachers, policemen, drunks, miners, and even donkey felt the effects of this amazing revival, as thousands of people started going to church and crying out to God. As children read about his life of prayer, they will discover how and why Evan was used by God in this great move of His Spirit. They will discover how one person can truly make a difference when they are devoted to the Lord through prayer and commitment. God is looking for people like Even Roberts today––people of all ages who are willing to pray and keep on praying until the answer comes. As children read this book, they will be inspired to play their part in building God's kingdom on Earth.
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    US$ 16.99

    Book Author
    Roberts Liardon and Olly Goldenberg
    Genre Religion & Beliefs
    Large Print 16 Pt Edition (Standard Large Print)
    Bridge-Logos Publishers
    Age Range
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    Up to 20 business days (?)

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