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    Secret in the Clouds
    Secret in the Clouds
    The Army Cadets
    8 p.m. Saturday Night February, the 'Wet Season' in tropical North Queensland. Stephen Bell and his three friends of the 'Hiking Team' - Graham, Peter and Roger - are camped in the jungle at the foot of the Black Mountain when they hear what sounds like a light aircraft crash into the mountain. Stephen is impelled to investigate but what he finds in the cloud and thick rainforest near the top of the mountain impels him to discover what really happened and who was involved. But his attempts to uncover the past reveal secrets that some powerful and dangerous people are determined to keep concealed. At all costs. Stephen's and his friends are lead into deadly peril as they find shocking discoveries that test their emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and physical limits. ''An adventure story for both teenagers and adults that touches on a little known aspect of Australia's history.''
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    US$ 42.99

    Book Author
    Christopher Cummings
    Genre Action & Adventure , Crime & Thrillers , Fiction
    Large Print 16 Pt Edition (Standard Large Print)
    DoctorZed Publishing
    Age Range
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    Up to 20 business days (?)

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