
    Dyslexic Books

    Dyslexic Books are books specially formatted for people with dyslexia. The books are printed with a font designed to alleviate some of the difficulties typically reported by readers with dyslexia, such as swapping or flipping letters and skipping lines without noticing. The books are also formatted to improve the spacing between letters, lines and words, and to improve the overall layout of text on a page.

    The problem with the English alphabet is that many letters have similar characteristics, and some are mirror images of each other (see image below). This makes letters difficult to distinguish, and readers with dyslexia often report rotating, flipping and/or reversing letters. The font used in the books, Open Dyslexic, aims to differentiate each letter, using distinctive features.

    Dysleixc Document

    Font Features

    The Open Dyslexic font changes letters so that they are no longer so similar, and so that they are not mirror images of other letters. It does this in a number of ways:

    These features address letter confusion, rotation and crowding. See the comparison below.

    Dyslexic Document

    You can order Dyslexic Books directly from this website (click on "Other Formats" from the book's information page). The books are also available from the dedicated Dyslexic Books website

    in purchased.